


Engineering is the heart of everything we do, it is easy to find someone to do the job; but it is not easy to find a’ specialized contractor who is able to provide a complete engineering solution and manage complex projects.


Repairing & Strengthening

Maintenance, repair and strengthening of existing concrete structures, either reinforced or prestressed, are important activities of civil engineers. A variety of engineering tasks are required in practice to effectively repair and strengthen concrete structures. Concrete structures are found in large numbers all over the world. Many are at or near the end of their service life. Although highly durable, concrete structures start showing the signs of deterioration in the course of time. Maintenance of concrete structures should be regular and preventive. Regular maintenance is the most effective measure against structural deterioration from the technical, economic and organizational points of view. Concrete structures should be replaced only when it has been established that repair or strengthening measures are not technically feasible or economically reasonable.

CONTRA provides complete solutions for repair, strengthening & protection of structures. Any building & structure may require strengthening at some part of their service life due to fire, overload, change of use, seismic damage, corrosion etc. CONTRA has structural strengthening systems available to meet the specific needs.

Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) application

Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) has become one of the most popular methods in the repair and rehabilitation of concrete infrastructure due to its ease of application and the special physical ’s characteristics. Both destructive and nondestructive assessments have been used to test the durability of FRP in order to investigate the condition of the structure.

Structural Modifications

Structural modifications aim to strengthen and adapt an existing structure and its foundations to new service requirements, following a modernisation project, such as moving a building from one use category to another. Structural modifications consist of removing or strengthening existing structural elements or adding new ones, while controlling the distribution of loads in the structure.

CONTRA is one of the pioneer companies in Egypt in providing turnkey solutions for structural changes, throughout collaboration with specialized consultants.

We are proud that we have already executed more than 10 projects of structural modifications, covering changes most of structural elements.

CONTRA is the only company in the market that is specialized in structural modifications for post tensioned slabs, where it’s very difficult to create new openings to accommodate client requirements such as escalators, elevators, MEP, etc. Till now, CONTRA has executed more than 75 openings in post tensioned slabs with dimensions varying from 1 meter up to 10 meters in length.

Post-Tensioning Systems

PT systems provide active reinforcement. the function of the post-tensioning is to place the concrete structure under compression in those regions where load causes tensile stress. Post-tensioning applies a compressive stress on the material, which offsets the tensile stress the concrete might face under loading.

Throughout our agency for BULGER EDEN, CONTRA provides
various post tensioning solutions for different uses such as slabs, bridges,
external post tensioning and ground anchors

Structural Health Monitoring

Structural health monitoring (SHM) system is a method of evaluating and monitoring structural health. It has been widely applied in various engineering sectors due to its ability to respond to adverse structural changes, improving structural reliability and life cycle management.

SHM can be defined as a non-destructive in-situ structural evaluation method that uses any of several types of sensors which are attached to, or embedded in underground structure. These sensors obtain various types of data (either continuously or periodically), which are then collected, analyzed and stored for future analysis and reference. The data can be used to assess the safety, integrity, strength, or performance of the structure, and to identify damage at its onset.

CONTRA provides various SHM systems to assess, evaluate and monitor different structures thorough out its life cycle, starting from the construction phase and during operation.

Heavy Lifting

Heavy Lifting is moving a structure or a load vertically, horizontally, or rotationally in some cases, Complex projects usually require combination of several operations, especially when adjusting the structure in its final position. Lifting and handling heavy structures are complex operations that require engineering expertise, reliable equipment, careful operating, and precise placement. CONTRA provides tailored solutions adapted to each project configuration, from early design to final operation., we will offer you the most appropriate solutions.